The Covenants at Sinai, Moab and The Upper Room
The following video presentations provide a detailed survey of the old testament covenant versus the new testament covenant. The covenants at Sinai, Moab and the upper room are examined, compared and analyzed for applicability to believers of The Way in Yahushua Messiah.
- Is the old covenant law in effect today?
- What is the law and what is not?
- Has the law been nailed to the cross?
- Is the Torah in full force?
- Was the Levitical priesthood the first priesthood?
- Is the new covenant a renewed version of the original one from Sinai?
What is the impact and influence of Paul’s writings?
How do you reconcile:
You also are become dead to the law by the body of Messiah (Rom 7:4)
The law is holy and just and good (Rom 7:12)
Whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
(Gal 5:4 KJV)
Not the hearers of the law are just before YHWH, but the doers of the law shall be justified. (Rom 2:13)
Which way is it:
- Does obedience lead to love or does love lead to obedience?
- Do we keep the law to be saved or do we keep the law because we are saved?
- Or has the law been abolished?
- What did Yahushua teach?
- What is the vail of Moses? Do you have one?
Video Transcripts – click here

Video Transcripts – click here
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