Following is a view list of the presentations given via video conference link. The current series is titled “The Covenants at Sinai, Moab and the Upper Room”.
Video Transcripts (from original recordings) – click here

Covenants Pt 11 - Review, summary, conclusion on Sabbath 042818

Covenants Pt 10 - 2 great commands, Torah fulfilled by love, love leads to obedience on Sab 041418

Covenants Pt 9 - The law is transformed to love and internalized in our hearts & mind on Sab 031018

Covenants Pt 8 - Hebrews 9 & 10 Points to the Old Covenant at Moab on Sabbath 030318

Covenants Study Roundtable - Gal 4, observe days, months, yrs, allegory of 2 covenants Pt3 on 022818

Covenants Pt 7 - Law & prophets point to Yahushua, old covenant is abolished, on Sabbath 022418

Covenants Study Roundtable - Gal 1, 2, 3, bewitched by a different gospel Part 2 on 022118

Covenants Study Roundtable - Galatians, by faith or by the law and circumcision Part 1 on 021418

Covenants Pt 6 - 50 prophesies Yahushua fulfilled, Ahithophel's agenda, Psa 22, Isa 53 on Sab 021018

Covenants Pt 6 - Continued, 50 prophesies fulfilled by Yahushua on 020718

Covenants Pt 6 - Law and Prophets point to Yahushua, Thurs Passover in 30 CE - on Sabbath 020318

Covenants Pt 5 - Mat 5:17-20, fulfilling the law and the prophets on 1/31/18

Covenants Pt 5 - Mat 7 roundtable, better hope & more perfect way on Sabbath 1/27/18

Covenants Pt 5 - Mat 5 7, Luk 6 & 16 comparison and roundtable prestudy on 1/24/18

Covenants study Pt 5 - Mat 5-7, Luk 6 comparison and roundtable prestudy on 1/17/18

Covenants Pt 4 - Cont'd old covenant dispositon, Book of Law vs Covenant on Sabbath 1/13/18

Covenants Pt 4 - Old covenant disposition, broken by Israel, disannulled by YHWH & comments 1/10/18

Covenants Study Pt 3 - first fruits, levitical and back to first fruits system on Sabbath 1/06/18

Covenants Study - marriage covenant or legal contract, cf. Jer 3:14, Isa 54:5, Jer 31:32 on 1/3/18

Covenants At Moab Pt 2 & Prestudy - Exe 40, Lev 1, Num 9-10, Deu 1:1 on Sabbath 12/30/17

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