This series includes the historical background, torah legislation, how to count as well as the research leading to the actual Jubilee date found in Ezekiel.
Part 1 – Background, history, secular record
Encyclopedia Judaica and Jewish Encyclopedia
Torah Commentary and Josephus
Seder Olam and Maimonides
Zuckermann vs. Wacholder dating
Post exile Sabbatical years
Part 2 – Torah instructions, attributes and stipulations
Sabbatical attributes, release from servitude
Land rest, debt release, lending to the poor
Sabbatical instructions – Leviticus 25
Six year growing cycle, fallow seventh year
Jubilee instruction – Leviticus 25, the 50 year cycle
Land redemption, real estate transactions, bankruptcy
Part 3 – How to count the Sabbatical and Jubilee cycle
Counting sevens, dating systems
Agricultural practices, jubilee counting alternatives
Part 4 – OT Jubilee timeline – when is the Sabbatical and Jubilee?
Southern Kingdom geo-politics circa 600 BCE
3 Babylonian sieges and 6 deportations
Fall of Jerusalem – Temple destroyed in 587 BCE
Ezekiel proclaims Jubilee in 574 BCE
Part 5 – NT Jubilee timeline – when is the Sabbatical and Jubilee?
Yahushua’s ministry, Yahushua proclaims Jubilee in 27 CE
Coming soon

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